
Let's Be Ready

"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going." Ecclesiastes 9:10

How often to we ourselves or when we ask a friend or a family member to attend church with us which we get a procrastination response? I will go next Sunday or when I am feeling better. These type of responses are not pleasing to the Lord. I wonder sometimes do the ones that say they are not feeling well realize that He is one that can and will make them feel brand new.

It might not be no next time. For no one know the day nor the hour when the Almighty with appear to take us home. It will be too late for should had, could had,and would had. Now is the time. We should not waste our lives and times in strife and sorrow.

Many times Satan get busy in my life on church day. He tells me, "Oh that outfit looks horrible on you or you need a hair cut." Just wait until next Sunday or the next Sunday. That is when I remind myself that Lord say, "Come as You Are." Beleive me that busy body, the Devil himself, takes control to point that my mind say one thing and my heart another. I fell in the hands of Satan. Do you know what I speaking of?

The recent deadly earthquake in Haiti reminds me that it is time to stop putting off today for tomorrow. If it ever been time to stop procrastinating it is this very moment.

Lord, I want to be ready.

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Tracy said...

I'm glad that my relationship with God doesn't depend on my church attendance or acting good enough. I'm grateful that by accepting Jesus' payment for my sin on the cross, that Jesus' blood has made me clean.

But, because God has been so over the top good to me beyond anything I deserve - I want to be in His Word, both by myself and with other Believers. I adore getting to sing praise songs with others during Church services. I want to live my life for Him instead of myself (although on some days I forget this and am grateful that the Holy Spirit convicts me).

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